Fire safety house rolling into a school near you

May 22, 2024

The Kelowna Fire Department’s popular Fire Safety House is back on the road helping to teach fire safety tips to elementary students in grades one through three. 

A familiar sight to many who grew up in Kelowna, the two-story mini house on wheels—complete with a smoke machine—was constructed by off duty firefighters in the mid-1970s. Between 2016 and 2020, the interactive teaching aid has been used to educate over 22,000 children on the importance of evacuating the home when they hear the smoke alarm and how to stay low under smoke, check doors for heat prior to opening them, and proceed to their designated family meeting spot outside. 

“Our Fire Safety House trailer has been on the road for years,” said Candace Friesen, Fire and Life Safety Educator, Kelowna Fire Department. “We are stopped regularly by parents who share their memories of going through the house when they were young. We are excited to continue this program and impart the teachings and experience of the Fire Safety House to more children in our community.”  

By the end of 2024, Kelowna Fire Department plans to visit every elementary school in Kelowna. This year there will be a contest to win an iPad, supplied by Best Buy Electronics, for the Grade 1 – 3 student that submits the best home fire escape plan.  

Visit for fire safety information, including instructions on how to create a family fire evacuation plan and to watch the Fire Safety House video.