Cultural Grants
The City of Kelowna offers arts and culture grants to community and non-profit organizations on an annual basis. The purpose of these grants is to enrich arts, culture and heritage experiences for Kelowna residents. An organization must be incorporated as a non-profit society and operate primarily in Kelowna to be eligible for a grant. Organizations may apply for grants under more than one category in the same calendar year.
Each grant follows a structured process outlined in the program-specific grant guidelines. Grant applicants can learn about evaluation criteria and procedures through community information sessions. All grants are carefully reviewed by a combination of community grant panels and staff.
Below, you’ll find more information about each of the grant programs.
The Organization Development grant assists non-profit organizations in undertaking activities or initiatives that will develop the organization’s capacity and sustainability. Funding can be used to cover 100% of the consulting or tuition/registration costs, to a maximum of $5,000. Two or more organizations may partner on an organization development project and undertake joint planning or training.
The Core Operating program provides consistent and reliable annual support to professional, established non-profit arts and cultural organizations which provide impactful, quality programs and services, demonstrate sustainable operations and contribute to the realization of our cultural vision, principals and goals as outlined in the Cultural Plan. Funding assists these organizations with operational sustainability and enables them to develop and deliver their wonderful programs and services to the community.
The General Operating grant is available to arts, culture and heritage organizations that carry out the majority of their work in Kelowna. These grants support the operations of the organization, but are not to be used for start-up, events or capital projects. This grant acknowledges the work these organizations do and how they positively contribute to Kelowna's quality of life, identity and economy. Grants up to $10,000 dollars are extended to qualifying recipients who demonstrate vision, accountability and a spirit of community service in their operations.
General Operating guidelines Sample application
Project grants are available to community organizations that provide a festival, event or project that feature arts, culture and/or heritage for the benefit of Kelowna residents. Eligible organizations are not required to be from the arts, culture or heritage sector.
All festivals, events and projects must be accessible to the public, offer a unique experience and prominently feature arts, culture or heritage content. Funding is available for up to 50% of the total project cost, to a maximum of $10,000 dollars, up to a maximum of three years.
Project grant guidelines SAMPLE APPLICATION
This open-intake program is intended to provide funding for small scale arts and culture activations or projects for equity seeking communities that would otherwise not have access to supports. Recognizing existing inequities and barriers, this program welcomes applications from, and prioritizes support to historically and systemically marginalized communities. In addition, a specialized intake process has been designed to assist applicants in the grant application processes and reporting requirements where challenges such as language, accessibility, time, technology, or professional experience may hinder the group's ability to effectively navigate application complexities. Our goal is to ensure that all potential grantees receive the support they need to submit strong applications and fulfill reporting obligations successfully.
Events or performances celebrating culture;
Cultural celebrations such as Powwows, Vaisakhi, Lunar New Year, etc.;
Events related to public awareness campaigns with a cultural or artistic component. For example, Red Dress Day, Transgender Day of Visibility, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Drum Circles;
Innovative initiatives with a cultural or artistic component such as: Visual art exhibitions, literary works, zine workshops, spoken word, storytelling, reading circles, etc.
Alternate submission methods are accepted for the Advancing Equity Micro Grant.
Accepted submission formats include:
Interview conducted in person, phone or through video call
Pre-recorded video submission
Written in the applicant's language of preference
In a form proposed by the applicant and accepted by the City of Kelowna that reduces the barriers of the application process for the applicant.
Contact City staff for more information or to arrange an alternate submission method;
Joanne Taylor
Cultural Advisor, City of Kelowna
[email protected]
(250) 317-4264
Advancing Equity guidelines sample application
The Heritage Grants Program, administered by the Central Okanagan Heritage Society, is designed to promote conservation of residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural heritage buildings by assisting owners with grants for a portion of the costs incurred in conservation work. The program is limited to exterior work.
Eligible work may include reroofing, window and door conservation, siding and porch conservation, work on foundation and repainting. Approximately $35,000 is available for distribution annually, with buildings with a Heritage Designation eligible for a maximum of $12,500 per three-year period and buildings listed on the Kelowna Heritage Register eligible for a maximum of $7,500 per three-year period.
Any owner with a property listed on the Kelowna Heritage Register is eligible to apply for this program. Interested applicants should visit the Central Okanagan Heritage Society's website for grant guidelines and information.
Get started
To set yourself up for success with your grant application, we recommend the following steps:
- Start by reading our Grant Writing Tips article for helpful guidance.
- Review the sample application for the specific grant you’re interested in.
- Consider working with a professional grant writer. If you or your organization need assistance from a grant writer or reviewer, feel free to email [email protected] for our list of writers.
We’re here to support you—best of luck with your application!
Check out the 2023-2024 Commitment to Community Impact Report to see how we invest in the non-profit sectors that serve the sport, event, arts, culture, heritage and social interests of Kelowna residents.
View the report
2025 Grant Recipients
The General Operating grant program received 16 applications requesting a total of $132,000 in funding. All 16 applications were successful, and $117,500 in funding was awarded. The General Operating grant recipients are listed below in alphabetical order:
Name | Amount Received |
Arts Council of the Central Okanagan | $ 5,000 |
Central Okanagan Performing Arts Festival (COPA) | $ 9,500 |
Central Okanagan Heritage Society | $10,000 |
Centre Culturel Francophone de L’Okanagan | $ 9,000 |
Chamber Music Kelowna | $10,000 |
Cool Arts Society | $10,000 |
Creative Okanagan Artist and Event Development Society | $ 8,500 |
Dolyna Ukrainian Cultural Society | $ 5,000 |
Inner Fish Theatre Society | $ 8,500 |
Inspired Word Café | $10,000 |
Kelowna City Concert Band | $ 5,000 |
Kelowna Pipe Band Society | $ 5,000 |
Okanagan Festival Singers | $ 4,500 |
Okanagan Society of Independent Filmmakers | $10,000 |
Orchard Valley Quilters Guild | $ 4,000 |
Ponderosa Fibre Arts Guild | $ 3,500 |
Total | $117,500 |
In 2025, the Project grant program received 21 applications requesting a total of $165,050 in funding; 19 of these applications were successful and $115,650 in funding was awarded. The Project grant recipients are listed in alphabetical order below:
Project Program | Amount Received |
AesthetiKs LAB Society - Fashion WEEKend An event celebrating fashion as an art form by showcasing local and provincial fashion designers of all ages. | $10,000 |
Association of Nigerians and Africans in the Okanagan - Niaja Wedding An event celebrating Nigerian culture with a reenactment of a Nigerian wedding ceremony, complete with afrobeat music, fashion showcase of traditional attire, food and traditions. | $ 5,000 |
BC Old Time Fiddlers - BC Provincial Championship Fiddle Contest and FiddleFest FiddleFest features championship fiddlers, live performances, lessons, and the BC Provincial Fiddle Contest. | $ 5,000 |
Federation of Canadian Artists, Central Okanagan Chapter - Art Exhibition A Juried art exhibit featuring local artists with the addition of art exhibitions focused on youth artists and artists with diverse abilities. | $ 3,250 |
Global Citizens Events Society - A Taste of Home A vibrant festival celebrating the Okanagan's diverse cultures through ethnic foods, multicultural entertainment, and authentic mini-performances. | $ 6,000 |
Global Citizens Events Society - Reconcili-Action An event celebrating the art of the Indigenous peoples in the Okanagan through concerts, art tours, interactive activities and a gala honouring Indigenous women. | $ 4,000 |
Kelowna and District Genealogical Society - Central Okanagan Obituaries Project A database that preserves the history and heritage of Kelowna by collecting and making accessible obituaries of Indigenous peoples, historical figures, and recent residents. | $ 4,500 |
Kelowna Actors Studio Academy Foundation - Theatre Together An initiative that reduces barriers to production space for theatre professionals and emerging artists. | $ 9,500 |
Kelowna Japanese Language Society - Japanese Language and Calligraphy Hosting of weekly Japanese language and calligraphy classes. | $ 8,000 |
Kelowna Museums Society - Sports Hall of Fame A design that would transform the east mezzanine into a dedicated space for the Central Okanagan Sports Hall of Fame to appeal to local and travelling sports enthusiasts, and revitalize the proper lobby currently occupied by the Okanagan Military Museum to create a more welcoming and functional entrance. | $ 8,500 |
Kelowna Pipe Band Society - Dress the Piper Support in renewing and purchase of additional uniforms. | $ 7,500 |
Kelowna Visual Performing Arts Centre Society (RCA) - Eco Tone Festival A festival that creates space for people to engage with sustainability and strengthen their relationship with nature through immersive art, live music, and hands-on workshops. | $ 8,000 |
Livessence Figurative Drawing Society - Drawing workshops Saturday drawing sessions with an exhibition showcasing works from the class. | $ 3,500 |
Métis Community Services Society of BC - Métis Rendezvous 2025 Métis Celebration featuring local vendors, talented artists, community partners, food, traditional performances, and cultural teachings. | $ 6,000 |
New Vintage Theatre Society - Kelowna Theatre Network A collective theatre strategy that advocates for and identifies opportunities that advance the theatre sector. | $ 3,500 |
Niteo Africa Society - Stories Around the World An event celebrating multiculturalism through sharing cultural folktales and storytelling. | $ 3,900 |
OCCA Communities Association - Spring Lantern Festival A vibrant celebration of Lunar New Year traditions, showcasing cultural practices from around the world. | $10,000 |
Okanagan Artists Alternative Association - Heard about Harold- outreach activities Phase 3 of the Okanagan Arts & Culture Marketing Strategy, now titled 'Heard About Harold' which includes administrative and marketing initiatives which will expand the reach and enhance the project's long-term success. | $ 4,500 |
Pandosy Neighbourhood Association - Imagine Pandosy Arts Festival The Imagine Pandosy Art Festival is a community family event featuring art, crafts, amateur art wall, music, and children's activities, including a Community Art Project which is the foundational event of the festival intended to link art and the community. | $ 5,000 |
Total | $115,650 |
In 2025, a total of $185,609 was awarded to 5 organizations. The Core Operating grant recipients are listed below in alphabetical order.
Name | Amount Received |
Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art | $29,247 |
Ballet Kelowna | $40,495 |
New Vintage Theatre | $22,506 |
Okanagan Symphony Orchestra Society | $69,737 |
Opera Kelowna | $23,624 |
Total | $185,609 |