2040 Transportation Master Plan

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Last Updated: 
January 24, 2022

Kelowna's 2040 Transportation Master Plan

The 2040 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) sets the direction for a vibrant city where people and places are conveniently connected by diverse transportation options. It is a long-term, citywide plan for transportation improvements that will help keep Kelowna moving, now and into the future.

The 2040 TMP will help us all work together toward a smarter and more responsible approach to transportation. It includes over 100 recommended actions that will help us maintain and renew our existing infrastructure, create fast and reliable transit, improve road connections, develop comfortable bicycle routes, create walkable neighbourhoods, and help people use and enjoy new ways of getting around. The TMP works with the 2040 Official Community Plan to connect people and places  – together, they help deliver on our goals of a more sustainable, equitable future. Learn more.


Existing Conditions

The current state of Kelowna's street network and how we get around today


Forecasts and Trends

How future trends will shape opportunities to keep Kelowna moving



How we will fund the plan, measure our progress, and targets


Policy Framework

Policies to help us fill in the details over the next twenty years


Recommended Actions

Priority actions for walking, biking, transit, and driving


Vision & Process

The vision we are working towards, how the TMP was created and fits with other plans