Bylaw No.: 8120The Traffic Bylaw regulates parking, and the operation of motor vehicles and cycles along highways, sidewalks and boulevard within the City limits.How To Instructions.pdf (2011-04-06)Index.pdf (2019-09-13)Part 02 - General Regulations.pdf (2023-09-26)Part 03 - Vehicle Regulations.pdf (2011-04-06)Part 04 - Parking Regulations.pdf (2023-09-26)Part 05 - Highway Use Regulations.pdf (2020-03-09)Part 06 - Traffic Control Devices.pdf (2014-04-10)Part 07 - Sidewalk Roadway Occupancy Permits.pdf (2022-01-18)Part 08 - Pedestrian Regulations.pdf (2016-12-07)Part 09 - Cycle Regulations.pdf (2021-04-26)Part 10 - General.pdf (2016-12-07)Schedule A - Fees.pdf (2022-01-18)Schedule B - Road Usage Permits.pdf (2016-12-07)Schedule C - Overweight or Oversize Vehicles.pdf (2011-04-06)Schedule D - Straight Truck Configuration.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule E - Straight Truck and Pony Trailer.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule F - Straight Truck and Full Trailer.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule G - C-Train with C Converter Dolly.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule H - Bus.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule I - Tractor with Installed Crane.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule J - Intersection Sight Line Control.pdf (2002-08-28)Schedule K - Parking Distance Restrictions.pdf (2002-08-27)Schedule L - Insurance Requirements.pdf (2011-04-06)Summary of Text Amendments.pdf (2023-09-26)Part 01 - Introduction.pdf (2024-04-19)Adopted Date: Monday, August 26, 2002