Share the Plan Expression of Interest

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We invite individuals, organizations, businesses and collectives of diverse histories and practices to play an active part in the process of sharing and implementing the 2020-2025 Cultural Plan by hosting a "Share the Plan" event with your staff, board, volunteers, members, friends or the general public.

You will have the opportunity to deepen the discussion, be inspired by the potential each of us have to create change and help to advance the goals and strategies of the Cultural Plan. The conversation you host can drill down into a topic of vital importance with a small group of people, or it can be broad, involving a larger group of people brought together to generate conversation. The choice is yours!

A "Share the Plan" Event Grant is intended to support you to host a conversation about the 2020-2025 Cultural Plan and report your thoughts and ideas back to us.

Application deadline: November 12, 2019

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