Sports fields maintenance

We have a turf maintenance schedule that optimises top dressing, over seeding, irrigation and aeration. During maintenance, field closures may be necessary and last approximately three weeks. Signs are usually posted at the site to inform the public of the closure.

Using fields that are under maintenance can cause damage that will affect the turf's condition and therefore require longer closure times and an additional cost. If you would like to find out which fields are closed due to weather or events, call 250-469-8503 ext. 2.

Note: Teams should see the concession stand if looking for access to maintenance equipment at the Mission ball diamonds

Our maintenance efforts

To provide the best possible quality of turf, we attempt to balance the overall schedule by allowing for rest periods between heavy uses, creating a sport field maintenance schedule based on past experiences and continuously monitoring field conditions and responding as necessary.

We work hard to provide all users with a top-quality playing surface by implementing a high quality, efficient and cost-effective maintenance program so all users have a safe and positive experience.

Water conservation

We follow any water restrictions from the various water utilities. The park irrigation program was designed to look at minimizing water use based on weather conditions and plant requirements. Most sites are on a central control system that can be adjusted to weather conditions, and there are weather stations that help calculate how much water is required based on temperature and precipitation.

Irrigation runs during the evenings, but is sometimes tested during the day. These tests take place for a short period of time under the supervision of staff. Staff will also run short irrigation programs during hot weather to cool the surface temperature of turf to keep it healthy.

How you can support our maintenance efforts

Understanding the reasons for maintenance closures and the importance of staying off sport fields during these periods is the first step. The second step is educating your peers on the importance of staying off the fields during maintenance closures.

It’s your turf. With your assistance, we can continue to have the best fields around.

Frequently asked questions
What is a maintenance field closure and how long does it last?

A maintenance field closure means that a field is closed to all use during the specified time. Typically, field closures are for three weeks, however there may be circumstances where longer durations are required.

Why do fields need to be maintained?

Maintenance is necessary to improve the quality of the existing turf, to facilitate new turf growth and to rehabilitate the playing surface. On-going foot traffic creates poor turf density, which can cause safety issues during the season, requiring longer closure periods.

Why do you need to close a field for so long?

The field must be closed in order to do the required aerating, topdressing and over-seeding.

Aerating is the process of removing soil cores from the turf and is done as a means of reducing turf compaction, reducing thatch buildup, improving the infiltration of water/nutrients, encouraging deeper roots and creating an environment where grass seed can have direct contact with the soil.

Topdressing involves spreading one quarter of an inch of sand over the entire field. This helps to offset the compaction of the ground during the previous playing season and aids in making the field more playable. Topdressing also helps to fill in any low spots (worn out areas) in the field in order to create a safe, consistent and level playing surface. Topdressing improves the overall quality of the playing field and requires time to settle before play can resume. If you use the field too soon, you disturb the top dressing and prevent this from occurring.

Over-seeding is the process of seeding the field with blended turf grass seeds. These seeds need time to germinate, establish roots and mature. If the seeds are disturbed, they will not root and grow into viable plants. Basically, if you use the field after the over-seeding, you will destroy the seeds and you will not have any new grass, resulting in expanded worn areas and less turf.

Our sport has low impact; how can a bit of practicing during a closure really hurt a field?

Even low impact, light practices result in the nullification of the topdressing and over-seeding process. Without getting the required time for the program to establish itself, the work will have no effect and the field will suffer. Over time, the quality will deteriorate and cost more (time and money) to rehabilitate.

The fields also require additional irrigation in order to support the new grass. This means water will be turned on during the day and the ground will be wet, making any new roots more susceptible to being torn out and inhibiting any new growth. Turf is a living thing; it needs time to rest and rejuvenate.